API beta release is here!

We proudly announce that we have released a beta version of API.
The new API enables you to identify species of terrestrial invertebrates, including insects and spiders from images using a machine-learning model. It is easy to use and we already love how it works. 💪
Identify over 6000 classes of insects
With the beta version of API, you can identify more than 6387 classes of invertebrates with 48% TOP1 accuracy. The results are on the level of species, genus, family, and/or order based on the picture quality and taxa popularity. Covered species include the most common types of invertebrates such as butterflies, spiders, ants, dragonflies, etc.

Here is an overview of supported entities with the number of classes:
- Insects: 5689 classes
- Arachnids (spiders): 619 classes
- Malacostracans (crustacean): 38 classes
- Millipedes: 22 classes
- Springtails: 10 classes
- Centipedes: 9 classes
Get all the information in JSON!
Many people have questions about the insects they encounter in their daily lives, whether it be for curiosity, protection of property, or health concerns. can help them get their answers about the insects around them. Integrate API into your solution and let’s help them together. For more info see our documenation.
In the response, you will receive the following information:
- Suggestions with probabilities
- Scientific (latin) and common names
- Taxonomical classification
- Similar images
Do you want to try how it works without the need to code? There is a non-public demo version. Drop us an email at
<pre class="code-block">"suggestions": [
"id": "gbif:5743122",
"name": "Lucanus cervus",
"probability": 0.9926146,
"similar_images": [
"id": "cabf0ecbe5443c1624b0f7632d495221",
"url": "",
"license_name": "CC BY 4.0",
"license_url": "",
"citation": "Rui Macário Ribeiro",
"similarity": 0.651,
"url_small": ""
"id": "437b8cb287a4f738a2ca651cfa304d39",
"url": "",
"similarity": 0.624,
"url_small": ""
"details": {
"common_names": [
"European Stag Beetle"
"taxonomy": {
"phylum": "Arthropoda",
"class": "Insecta",
"order": "Coleoptera",
"family": "Lucanidae",
"genus": "Lucanus"
"url": "",
"gbif_id": "5743122",
"inaturalist_id": "61749",
"rank": "species",
"language": "en"
Billing & access
The API is available through the MLAPI platform which makes it easy to use for those who already use the or Health Assessment APIs! To access it, you can use your account in the admin panel and request a new API key for and assign your credits to this API key. You will have only a single billing but an overview and control over identifications made with different API keys.
The price for identification is one credit per identification, as in our other products.
Test the API for free! If you want to try the new API first, we will provide you with free credits for testing – let us know if you are interested at This option is available for both our current and new userers while the service is in beta version.
Don’t have an account yet?
And it doesn’t end with insect
Our experience with the current products made us confident that we can develop other excellent nature-related image recognition APIs. Besides improving our current products, our focus in the following year will be birds, reptiles, rocks, animal tracks, … you name it! If you have any questions or would like to know more about a specific topic related to API, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at
Alongside this, we will collect feedback on the API to identify areas for improvement. Keep up-to-date by subscribing to newsletter on our product page!